Friday, October 14, 2005

Robin's Cape Tried to Escape...

Robin's cape, it tried to escape.
It was worn all over, but was made for the nape.

But at the neck it no longer was,
when bathtime finished, and mainly because -

Batman fought Mr. Freeze
while Robin tried to avoid the cool breeze.

But Robin caught chill
due to his cape being nill.

We looked for his cape, and it could not be found.
(At least not with the child around).

It took a year,
and after many chemicals it became clear
there was definitely something else going on here.

The tub continued to back up,
from the faucet or from a cup.

Finally, the wife, she plunged.
Eventually, the problem was expunged.

The cape it was found
and to the garbage it was bound.

It was torn, it was dirty. Smelly, musty and definitely not dry.
But did that help the child not cry?
Of course not, and what else could go awry?

It wasn't for the cape the child did mourn,
but rather that Louis Lane might continue to be forlorn.


Scottland said...

The cape, it was poopy
Did you use a scoopy? (to get it out)
The cape was in the toilet
Did Lois Lane enjoy it?
The cape is in the trash
Will Robin fly or crash?
To answers for all these quesions
Tune in, same bat time
Same bat oilet

darprice said...

Cape was in tub, not toilet.
Youngest pointed out, it didn't need to be trashed, just needed to boil it...

Scottland said...

Robin's cape was in the tub
Did you mean the bird bath
or was that a flub?
Robin's cape was all wet
Did he frown?
Did he fret?
Yes he did, then he laid an egg
went to his mama and for the plunger begged
Get my cape, how I don't care
The Joker's coming
And I have nothing to wear!
So mama plunged and plunged
She scraped and sponged
And wouldn't you know it
She found that cape
But then she said,
"Sorry bird brain, it's no good.
You'll have to wear my drapes instead.
So Robin fought the Joker
With a cape of yellow and white
The Joker laughed so hard
He really couldn't fight
Thejoker's now in jail
He really can't believe it
Robin won the fight but lost his dignity
Has anyone out there seen it?

darprice said...

Ahhh, thank you Potland. I always appreciate it when you show me just how bad I am at poetry.