Sunday, May 29, 2005

Thank you...

For those fighting home and abroad - yesterday, today and tomorrow - thank you. I may not always agree with why our government puts you in harms way, but I ALWAYS believe that you are heroes - whether in war or in peace. Thank you for your sacrifices, your dedication, and your abilities. Good luck, and come home safe as soon as possible.

You may not always realize it and sometimes others forget to acknowledge it, but everyone has been touched in some way by your sacrifices and dedication. We thank you, we miss you - but we understand that you have an extremely important job to do and we know that you can get it done.

Star Wars...

So, the end of the saga (or middle depending on point of view) has been finished. My youngest came out sword fighting with his invisible "light-saver" and a new found respect for Ovi-Wan - (not clear what's happening to the "b"'s, but gotta let kids be kids...). Anyway, if given the opportunity, I think the kids would've stayed in the theater for DAYS just rewatching the thing.

Object lesson #5003...Do not hand feed a turtle...

...and by hand feed, I mean don't feed it your hand as middle children tend to do. For some unknown reason, the child was hand feeding a box turtle carrots (kept nicely by the children down the lane...) when the carrot dropped and the turtle grabbed the finger instead. Said turtle didn't feel like letting go of dinner, so child freaked a bit. Alls well as ends well - little bandaid, skin cream and away we go.

Now if the hare would only listen about underrating the toroise's speed...

Monday, May 16, 2005

Oil Please...

While on a bike ride with our old neighbors who were down for a visit - the youngest pulls off the trail, raises his hand and states he needs oil...(meaning water).

This is amusing, however not without precedent. One of the two visitors had broken her leg and now has a metal rod in it, and she actually started off the oil comment referring to her leg. The youngest didn't catch that reference, so it came off rather amusing.

Getting better however, there was the whole ensemble of the two youngest. One wearing a light blue pirate sleeved shirt with light blue sport skorts and PURPLE tennis shoes. The other - yellow shirt, shorts about 2 inches above the ankle, black socks, black shoes and helment tilted just slightly to the left - coolness extreme. Yep, we didn't claim 'em till we had to.

Sunday, May 08, 2005


Happy Mother's day for all you ladies do!!!! Here's hoping your husbands and children showed you how much you mean (and remember to do it throughout the entire year too!)

Miss Georgia

We are very proud here in the Price household. One of us has been invited to compete in the Miss Georgia beauty contest for excellent scholarship opportunities. I'm really thinking I might have a chance to win. Unfortunately, I'm not sure why the organizers are so adamant to have a 32 year old father of 3 in a teen beauty contest, but they have been persistent. It took until the fourth request for me to seriously consider it. My family has been less than supportive (they keep laughing), but I know if I just try, I might be able to win...

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Into the blue wonder...

After years of refusing to get on a bicycle, the youngest is off and riding a two wheeler. It took some bribing and some pushing, but I haven't been able to get the kid off the thing since! Kinda sad as well as encouraging to see the last one growing up like this.