Thursday, August 25, 2005

How to know when you've become over technologized...

First sign: You keep ripping the hands free ear piece for your cell phone off of your head because the wire gets caught on various inanimate objects around the house as you are working on your laptop (wirelessly), while listening to music on the internet, watching ESPN and taking a meeting with and client and your wife on the other line and someone else altogether on the land line.

Hmmmm, maybe it's just time for a new wireless blue tooth headset and other corresponding toys to take this setup on the road...


this gal said...

i love when people wear their hands free gadgets when they're walking down the street with nothing in their hands.

what are they thinking?

this gal said...

PS - how do you link to other blogs?

darprice said...

Hi \ang\, I'm usually thinking I might need my hands for something like picking my nose or some emergency writing and I need the extra freedom in order to be able to get to my PDA or Blackberry... ;)

Anyway, I'm manually linking to other blogs. There are some programs like BlogRolling. I'll drop you a line on exact syntax (worried it won't come across properly here), but you can search for the html a tag. It takes an href attribute which is where you put in the site url (address) and the text you want to use for the link is inside the a tag. The tag is called anchor, and an example can be found here. Good luck!

this gal said...

thanks! i have had a bit of experience with html, so that makes my life easier with the manual business. i thought maybe blogger had some sort of "section" that i was missing.

they should add one!