Sunday, April 10, 2005

The good child...

This weekend, we had a lot planned. The wife wanted me to mulch her gardens (my only contribution to outdoor beautification besides mowing and such), needed to pay bills and some other menial type errands. However, none of this fit into the good child's plans. Nope, she wanted a new home for her rat. (For those that don't know about the rat, it actually is very sweet and friendly...but a long story) She was so gung ho she was offering to pay a good portion of the new home. Unfortunately, she knew we couldn't go until we had these other chores done. So, rather than whine and complain (been there, done that), she pitched in to help out.

I'm now trying to figure out how to get all the kids to help out with the chores around the house like that. She threw mulch, got me drinks during paying bills, and generally just ran around all day being very helpful. So, maybe she'll get the new cage next week... ;)


KellBell said...

Aww....give the rat a new home!!!

darprice said...

***UPDATE*** The rat got the home in a reasonable amount of time. Still, must find way to get that to happen more often...

Anonymous said...

Were the drinks alcoholic??