Friday, August 03, 2007

More Vacation Sayings...

Ashley: Hmmm. You're kinda growley. Do you need a tide stick for your shirt?

Oldest: Aunt Ann wore her bling in the ocean, breaking all of her shark papers...

Oldest: Ewwww. There are fish in here... (talking about the ocean)

I'm concerned about the one in pink PMS'ing. That one, if I don't give chocolate she's going to gnaw my arm off...
Damn! She can hear all of a sudden...

Mom: We need a splaying field...(after several coctails...)

We're not counting your cracks...(talking about dice caught on the picnic table)
You will count my cracks...(NOT talking about the dice)

Don't insult me and then play with my privates...(as these became the "lucky" rub)

I'm Guatamalon HOT...said with accent)

You snot on this one and ear shit on that, which you gonna use (talking about hands...this creates drunken laughter, which results in...)
WE HAVE MILK!!! Yeah baby, we have milk!!!

Has he actually written anything down?
Are you kidding? He's like a court reporter...
He's like Monica Lewinski keeping dresses...

Matt Lauer is NOT cooler than me...

I don't mean to piss on your parade, but come back to reality vacation boy...

I'm sure there's more, however, this is what I have for now...

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