It's good to be returned from the backwoods, eh? (Sorry, still trying to lose the accent...) Anyway, turns out Bambi wasn't quite as protected as I thought. He showed up this year with an 8 point rack and forced me to have to buy him a plane ticket home. Fortunately, they were very receptive at the airport bar...
Anyway, it was a good time at the hunting camp this year. There were only 7 of us as some people weren't able to make it this year (Mike, Jeff, Nate - you were missed). I got to see some friends I haven't seen for ages, along with their kids. Kinda fun thinking about the last time I'd seen them being when we were playing army dodge ball one, time does fly. Best of all, we had a good time enjoying each others company and seeing lots of our relatives up there.
Camp hunting run down:
Cousin Lynn shot an 8 point out of Dad's Tin Shack North (AKA Taj Mahal due to the heater, windows and wall to wall carpeting)
Cousin Troy shot a "4, 6 or 8 point" (nothing like hedging your bet) from Jeff Bartz's blind just Northeast of the Taj Mahal
Uncle Larry missed a large antlered deer due east of the Taj Mahal
Uncle Bud shot a large 6 point in his blind to the southwest of the Taj Mahal (borderlining our property and state land)
I shot a nice 8 point from the Taj Mahal
Other notables:
Dad saw (but couldn't shoot at) my buck and the one Uncle Larry missed, so we still think there is a large buck in the woods.
Troy's deer was the largest he's ever shot.
A good time was had by all and this is likely the largest collection of deer we've shot for a long while. Along with these, several spikes and 4 points were passed on. So, now it is back to life and technology for another year.
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